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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Oh How Times Have Changed

  This blog is proof positive that times have changed. Just five years ago most people had no idea what a blog was. Now every third person you meet has their own. Sure no one reads most of these i.e. this one, but that's not the point. The internet has change so much about the world and how we receive and send information. Instead of writing a letter to an editor or to a relative we send emails, update our facebook or blog about it. One of the biggest industries effected is the newspaper business. According to http://www.naa.org/TrendsandNumbers/Total-Paid-Circulation.aspx, newpaper circulation is down around 22% since 1992. That is around the time the internet and cable television started finding there way into peoples homes.
   With less circulation and less need for already outdated information, newspapers are becoming more and more a thing of the past, for many Americans. But I actually sat down and read the newspaper the other day. I feel like I learned a lot from it. In just an hours time I read through more different topics and subjects then I care to remember. However the one thing that jumped out at me more than anything was the comic strips. I had not read a comic strip in over ten years. It really amazed me at how incredibly unfunny they are. Many of them didn't even make sense. I do understand that it is hard to come up with funny original material, day in and day out for years on end. How they do it, I don't know. The thing I wondered more than anything though was, were comic strips ever funny?
   Thinking back I always remember being excited for the Sunday comic strips, but with a few exceptions I don't remember ever laughing at them. The main exception being Calvin and Hobbes. Those two really were the cats meow. I have come to the deeper question of, which has changed more, the times and technology, or me. Was Peanuts ever funny or have I grown out of my childish humor. I sincerely hope its the first. Even though I am an adult now and I have matured and developed as a person, I would hate to lose all that made being a kid so great.  I hope to always improve myself but I really do believe, that is one thing society as a whole needs to try and hold on to. Holding on to our childlike sense of humor does not mean punching our sisters, blaming everything on our brothers to avoid getting in trouble Its more about not being so serious all the time and the ability to enjoy the simplest of things. Of course my fiance may tell you I hold on to my childish ways a little to much, but her opinion may be bias.


  1. You are not boring, Newspapers are boring. More than anything, I just think they are really hard to menuever and I could never get the folded right after reading them. The web is so much more convenient..although not nearly good enough for packing.

  2. Yes that is one of the largest downfalls of the internet as we know it. You can't use it to protect your good china when moving. One day though, one day...

  3. Yes newspapers are a things of the past. And maybe even books with long chapters. Turns out all this texting, blogging,twittering and such is having a big effect on people. Studies suggest chapters in future books may only be a around a page long because future generations will be able to process information better that way. Think about it, kids are writing and reading info nowadays that is quick, short and easy to understand alot. I heard a story about this and newspapers on NPR recently.
    As far as reading the paper I still do it at least once a week. I love reading many different newspapers but it helps the trees if I read them online. So sometime soon I'll have to make the change.
    And Peanuts is still funny to me, so is Garfield, though the best comics are Calvin and Hobbies and The Far Side. I just read The Far Side yesterday while pooping hahaha. It's great!
    I too have also noticed alot of adults are way too serious. This seems to be a major (and sad) change in alot of people as they grow older. People need to laugh, it's healthy. Humor helps us deal with problems and keeps us feeling human when the world sucks. Without it well let's not ponder that, too scary. Let us all tell jokes and laugh together.

  4. You've got to read a strip called Zits. It captures the teenage boy relationship with his parents to a "t," and it's hysterical. That and Dilbert are both very good. I have an anthology of "Calvin & Hobbs," which was the funniest comic strip ever, but for some reason, the guy retired after about 9 years. I was so bummed out, as his humor was excellent. It's about a little boy and his "stuffed" tiger who is alive in his imagination. Really witty stuff. You can borrow it. :o) I'm an old guy who loves the newspaper, out of habit, I guess. My morning doesn't feel right without it. I read it front to back, although I probably focus most on the sports, comics, and advice columns.

  5. I forgot The Far Side. It's a tie with Calvin & Hobbs.

  6. I agree Calvin and Hobbs are great. I used to love the far side and really enjoyed it but I haven't read it in forever. For those of you who don't know The guy who created Calvin and Hobbs, he now has a new comic strip called Shermans Lagoon. Its pretty good. Also I do enjoy the comic Get Fuzzy.

    It is sad to me that something so great as the newspaper is going out of fashion. In college I worked in the periodical section of the school library so I am fairly fond of reading the paper. But ever since I got into the real world it has been harder and harder to pick up. Especially since I have a laptop or cell phone with internet with me everywhere I go. Information is always at my fingertips.
    The biggest difference with the internet is that it makes it much easier to ignore the real news and focus just on sports or tech news or whatever your interest. It has created a whole generation of people that have no idea whats going on in the world around them except how there fantasy team is doing or when the new ipod is coming out.

  7. I didn't realize that Sherman's Lagoon was done by the Calvin & Hobbes guy! No wonder I like that strip more than most. Get Fuzzy is hit and miss for me. I'm still a Charlie Brown fan, just for nostalgia's sake.

  8. Actually, Bill Watterson was the Calvin & Hobbes guy, but he's not the Sherman's Lagoon creator. Too bad.

  9. Zits and Get Fuzzy are okay. But come on guys No one comments on Garfield. Wow! He a favorite of mine. This is Michelle. How do I stop sending comments as anonymous? I'll just sign as M from now on. MMmmmmmarvelous

  10. I was wrong about shermans lagoon. Not sure where I heard that but I guess I should fact check next time haha. Oh well

    Garfield was always a favorite of mine growing up. However I don't think the movies did him any justice.
